
The Relationship Engine® training program is based on the Five Principles of Relational Leadership from our critically acclaimed book, The Relationship Engine: Connecting with the People Who Power Your Business.

Our Clients

relational-agility-processThe Five Principles of Relational Leadership:

  1. Display Worthy Intent
  2. Care About People’s Goals, Passions, and Struggles
  3. Make Every Interaction Matter
  4. Value People Before Processes
  5. Connect Performance to a Purpose

These principles allow you to support business transformation through an “intentional” approach to business relationships. This intentionality is implemented using the Relationship Engine About Me Technology1 (AMT) to reveal the true dignity of every single person within an organization, which when known, allows you to create outstanding relationships so everyone reach their true potential.

The process tracks and navigates an organization’s culture initiatives, giving company leaders, for the first time, a proven system to not only guide and report back on the meaningful relationships employees have, but equally important to connect this transformation to their real work objectives. When dignifying interactions derive from the company’s purpose and core values, providing focus and a path for clear communication, a true company of relational leaders is established and more importantly, sustained.

Relationship Engine® Program Benefits

  • Uncovers and share each person’s ‘dignity’
  • Improves communication across teams
  • Tracks and improves engagement
  • Reduces turnover
  • Positively resolves conflict
  • Creates self-motivated employees and teams
  • Increases trust between leader and employee

Manager Benefits

A major benefit for managers is the ability to make less of an event around annual reviews.

The Relationship Engine® eliminates dreaded review time because interactions will be recorded and tracked through the Relationship Engine. No more last minute panic moments trying to evaluate an employee’s entire year. The typical annual review focuses on the last month of the relationship. The Relationship Engine® creates a level playing field to see performance fairly over the entire year.

For a complementary Relationship Engine About Me survey please contact us.

Participants will experience:

  1. True insights into creating dignity-based relationships
  2. How to apply the Five Principles of the Relational Leader to launch, measure and elevate their important business relationships
  3. Ways to apply Relational GPS® – the universal framework to navigate relationships across generations and organizational structures
  4. How to action plan for every business relationship using the Relational Agility Process®
  5. Positive self-awareness and understanding or others as they work together

Our Approach Includes:

  • Collaboration with executives to develop the best Relationship Engine® solution in support of their objectives
  • Measurement and tracking of the actual value and strength of each professional’s business relationships through The Relationship Engine About Me technology assessment and tracking tool
  • Implementation of “relationship capital advancement” as a core competency into your team’s daily work;
  • Transparency into where key relationships stand and progress against objectives;
  • Accountability and throughput are ensured through our Relational Capital executive coaches

1 About Me Technology™ is Copyright C 2016 Prophit Marketing, Inc and Life Discoveries Inc.