Online Courses for Sales Teams

The Relational Capital Group has delivered impactful relationship advancement workshops live to over 20,000 sales professionals. These workshops can now be completed on-line at your own pace and convenience.

“Everything in business today can be commoditized, digitized or outsourced…except for Relationships!”Ed Wallace, CEO, Author

Transform your sales approach and outperform your competition by focusing on Creating Relational Capital with your real business contacts. This workshop provides a highly interactive and immediately actionable approach using the Relational Ladder® process for prioritizing, measuring and advancing your most impactful business relationships.

Upon successful completion of this course, sales professionals will experience:

  • Improved overall performance
  • Increased sales velocity
  • Better visibility into key relationships
  • Reduced revenue risk
  • Higher customer loyalty
  • “Competitor-proof” relationships

Relationships Are Everyone’s Job!

Our learning approach appeals to sales professionals and leaders at all levels-whether you are in sales or another client-facing role, lead or participate on a management team, or focus more on the technical aspects of your profession.