Corey Sigvaldason
Corey brings a great deal of experience and energy to Relational Capital Group. He is a national speaking champion, author, speaker, and trainer. Along with his MBA, ELP and CBB designations, Corey is currently completing his PhD in Management and has developed the HOP® Model for high performance. He has been an entrepreneur since the age of 10 and it is still a passion to this day in his consulting and training that takes him all over the world along with his investments in companies as an angel investor and mentor. Corey is now contributing his experience and knowledge as the President and owner of Grandesco College, which is an accredited private college in Canada. Corey has worked with a number of clients ranging from sole proprietors to Fortune 500 companies like Future Shop/Best Buy and he has worked with a variety of industries from manufacturing to education to retail to many others. He has also always had a sense of high purpose in his community and international travels. For example, in 2008 he went to India for TRU World where he taught a Post-Baccalaureate in Marketing. Corey has also taught in Manitoba, specifically with First Nation students and recently has developed many workshops and leadership programs for different bands, tribal councils, and aboriginal and First Nations organizations. Corey continues to teach and develop courses for Grandesco College including the Graduate Certificate in High performance Leadership and the HOP® Performance Coaching program which uses RQ and Relational GPS as well as other management and leadership development courses. Corey is a man that believes in his vision and strives to leave every place he touches better than how he found it.